Telguard TG-7A Commercial Cellular Alarm Communicator in Attack Enclosure View larger


TG-7A-LTE-A Commercial Cellular Alarm Communicator in Attack Enclosure


Network Type
AT&T LTE Network
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Details: TG-7A-LTE-A Commercial Cellular Alarm Communicator in Attack Enclosure

Your commercial, industrial and financial customers need a backup alarm communicator they can count on. That's why Telguard created the TG-7A with an attack-resistant enclosure. The TG-7A is certified for LTE network use and transmits alarm signals using the latest cellular technology when landlines or data networks have been disrupted or compromised.

With the TG-7A, critical data is reliably sent to the designated monitoring station. Telguard uses advanced encryption technology for secure communications and maximum dual-band transmitting power for superior in-building penetration.


  • Public Buildings & Facilities
  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings
  • Government & Military Facilities
  • Retail & Strip Malls
  • Multifamily & Mixed-Use


Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
TG-7A-LTE-V Verizon LTE Network
TG-7A-LTE-A AT&T LTE Network


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 TG-7A-LTE-A Commercial Cellular Alarm Communicator in Attack Enclosure

TG-7A-LTE-A Commercial Cellular Alarm Communicator in Attack Enclosure

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