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Norton Door Controls

7130SZ2LH24VDCWSP SafeZone Electrified Closer & Holder


Left Hand
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Details: 7130SZ2LH24VDCWSP SafeZone Electrified Closer & Holder

Designed with safety in mind, SafeZone® takes door closers to the next level. SafeZone uses a multi-point, electromechanical closer and a programmable motion sensor. When the door is opened manually, SafeZone senses movement in the door opening and stops the door from closing. When movement is no longer detected, the adjustable setting times out and the door closes.

SafeZone detects movement in both directions, allowing one person or a stream of people to travel through an opening, making it ideal for theaters, hospitals, doctor's offices and elementary schools.


  • Multi-point, electromechanical closer/holder
  • Sensor detects movement in both directions
  • Selectable hold open time and sensitivity
  • Push or pull side mounting
  • Handed units
  • Spring sizes 3, 4 or 5 (models 7110SZ and 7150SZ); spring sizes 2, 3, 4 or 5 (models 7120SZ and 7130SZ)
  • Fail safe operation
  • Optional dual sensor (specify DZ when ordering)
  • Optional selective hold open (specify S when ordering)


  • Anyone can travel through the opening at their own speed without fear of being struck by the door.
  • Extends the life of the opening by limiting unnecessary cycles. Door remains open as long as movement is detected.
  • Reduces damage to doors and frames by carts, equipment, wheelchairs or gurneys.


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 7130SZ2LH24VDCWSP SafeZone Electrified Closer & Holder

7130SZ2LH24VDCWSP SafeZone Electrified Closer & Holder

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