Reduced price! Corbin Russwin O14 Plate x Thumbturn Trim for ED4000 Series View larger

Corbin Russwin

O1410ET611 Plate x Thumbturn Trim for ED4000 Series


Bright Bronze
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Item is normally in stock and ships out within 3-5 Business days (excluding transit time). If out of stock it can take up to 2-4 weeks (excluding transit time).Specific options may or may not increase shipping time. For any reason, if there is a delay in shipping time we will notify you. Feel free to contact us if you have any concerns.


40% Off


Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
O1410ET613E Passage, Oxidized Satin Bronze (Equivalent)
O1410ET630 Passage, Satin Stainless Steel
O1410ETBSP Passage, Black Suede Powder Coat
O1410ET605 Passage, Bright Brass
O1410ET606 Passage, Satin Brass
O1410ET611 Passage, Bright Bronze
O1410ET612 Passage, Satin Bronze
O1410ET613 Passage, Oxidized Satin Bronze
O1410ET618 Passage, Bright Nickel Plated
O1410ET619 Passage, Satin Nickel
O1410ET625 Passage, Bright Chrome
O1410ET626 Passage, Satin Chrome
O1410ET629 Passage, Bright Stainless Steel
O1410ET722 Passage, Black Oxidized Bronze, Oil Rubbed
O1455ET613E Classroom, Oxidized Satin Bronze (Equivalent)

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 O1410ET611 Plate x Thumbturn Trim for ED4000 Series

O1410ET611 Plate x Thumbturn Trim for ED4000 Series

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