Bird B Gone BS800SPN Bird Spider 360 W/ PVC Attachment Base And Screws


8 ft
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Details: Bird B Gone BS800SPN Bird Spider 360 W/ PVC Attachment Base And Screws

The Bird Spider 360 is a humane, stand-alone, physical bird deterrent used to prevent large birds from landing in concentrated locations. Spiders come pre-assembled for ease of use, quickly deterring pest birds. The patented Bird Spider design is high wind tested making it the ideal gull deterrent for harsh weather conditions.


  • The no-tangle wire arms of the Bird Spider 360 bounce, sway and swivel in the wind. This movement creates both a visual and physical distraction zone, repelling birds from the area of coverage. Constructed from marine grade 316 stainless steel arms and UV stabilized polycarbonate plastic bases, Bird Spider 360 units will continue to protect your property in harsh weather conditions.
  • Available in Four Diameter Size: 2-ft, 4-ft, 6-ft, 8-ft
  • When choosing a Bird Spider size consider protecting the entire surface of the problematic area to eliminate any potential perching zones. The 2-ft Spiders are perfect for areas where space is limiting such as light fixtures. The 4-ft and 6-ft Spiders units are the two most popular sizes, commonly used in residential and commercial applications and marine areas. The 8-ft Spider is the largest diameter available, popularized in the boating community.
  • The patented design of the Bird Spider 360 allows the top to rotate in a 360 degree circle. The swiveling motion of the spider is an added affect to the original stationary design of the unit. The spider arms will continue to protect the area when wind is not present.


Bird Species
Pigeons, Seagulls, Crows, Cormorants, Raptors, and other Larger Birds
Where to Use
AC Units, Street Lights, Signs, Boats, Rooftops, Docks, Biminis, Skylights, Dock pilings, Signs and more
Bird Pressure
Light to Medium
316 marine grade stainless steel "arms" in a UV protected polycarbonate base. Separate PVC base and No. 10 316 grade screws included


  • Public Buildings & Facilities
  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings
  • Government & Military Facilities
  • Retail & Strip Malls
  • Multifamily & Mixed-Use


Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
BS200SPN 2 ft
BS400SPN 4 ft
BS800SPN 8 ft


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Bird B Gone BS800SPN Bird Spider 360 W/ PVC Attachment Base And Screws

Bird B Gone BS800SPN Bird Spider 360 W/ PVC Attachment Base And Screws