Bird B Gone BNZ-36W Bird Net Zipper


36" (3 ft)
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Details: Bird B Gone BNZ-36W Bird Net Zipper

Bird Net Zippers are installed directly on to bird netting to gain access to appliances such as light fixtures, AC/HVAC units, sprinklers and more. Zippers are offered in various stock sizes ranging from 1' to 10' lengths. Smaller net zippers are typically installed under small appliances for maintenance, while larger sizes can be used to allow full bodies to pass through. Net Zippers are attached directly to the netting with hog rings and hog ring tool.


  • Available Stock Sizes 1' to 10' lengths
  • Fast and Easy access to netted areas
  • Attaches direct to bird netting


12", 18", 24", 36", 48", 72", 96" and 120"
Black, Stone and White


  • Public Buildings & Facilities
  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings
  • Government & Military Facilities
  • Retail & Strip Malls
  • Multifamily & Mixed-Use

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

BNZ-12B Black, 12" (1 ft)
BNZ-12S Stone, 12" (1 ft)
BNZ-12W White, 12" (1 ft)
BNZ-18B Black, 18" (1.5 ft)
BNZ-24B Black, 24" (2 ft)
BNZ-36B Black, 36" (3 ft)
BNZ-36S Stone, 36" (3 ft)
BNZ-36W White, 36" (3 ft)
BNZ-48B Black, 48" (4 ft)
BNZ-72B Black, 72" (6 ft)
BNZ-72S Stone, 72" (6 ft)
BNZ-72W White, 72" (6 ft)
BNZ-96B Black, 96" (8 ft)
BNZ-120B Black, 120" (10 ft)


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Bird B Gone BNZ-36W Bird Net Zipper

Bird B Gone BNZ-36W Bird Net Zipper