10T300HH Wireless Transmitter/Receiver


1-Button Handheld Transmitter
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Details: 10T300HH Wireless Transmitter/Receiver

BEA's 300 MHz Wireless Family includes an analog receiver, handheld, keychain and wired transmitters.

  • Offers a means of activation of automatic doors for those with limited mobility or disabilities
  • Reduce installation time by eliminating the need to run wires from the push plate or use additional mounting hardware
  • Handheld transmitters outfitted with flag connectors plug directly into most of BEA's push plate switches
  • Analog radio control for strong, short-range transmissions

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
10R300 300 MHz Analog Receiver
10T300HH 1-Button Handheld Transmitter
10T300HHDBL 2-Button Handheld Transmitter
10T300HH4 4-Button Handheld Transmitter
10T300PB Wired Transmitter, no case
10T300MINIPB 1-Button Miniature Wired Transmitter
10T300KEYCHAIN 1-Button Keychain Transmitter


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 10T300HH Wireless Transmitter/Receiver

10T300HH Wireless Transmitter/Receiver

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