Acorn BH1BI-6 Square End Rolling Hardware Kit - Smooth


6' Track
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Details: Acorn BH1BI-6 Square End Rolling Hardware Kit - Smooth

Barn Door Flat Track Rolling Hardware Smooth Iron Style Includes: 1. 5' Track Length. 6', 7' and 8' also available as standard lengths. Track is 2" wide and 1/4" thick. 2. *Basic - Smooth Finish Wheel Carriers & Track. 3. * Squared Wheel Carrier Ends. Kit packages and pricing include everything you need for a complete installation: Wheel Carriers, Standoffs, End Stops, Anti-Jump Blocks, Door Bottom Stabilizers.

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
BH1BI-5 5' Track
BH1BI-6 6' Track
BH1BI-7 7' Track
BH1BI-8 8' Track


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Acorn BH1BI-6 Square End Rolling Hardware Kit  - Smooth

Acorn BH1BI-6 Square End Rolling Hardware Kit - Smooth

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