Reduced price! Ponte Giulio F47ACS0 Liquid Soap Dispenser View larger

Ponte Giulio

Ponte Giulio F47ACS0 Liquid Soap Dispenser


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20% Off


Details: Ponte Giulio F47ACS0 Liquid Soap Dispenser

Liquid soap dispenser, zinc alloy and tritan


  • 350ml is 2 ¾" wide, 3 ½" deep, 9 ½" high
  • 170ml is 2 ¼" wide, 2 ¾" deep, 8 ½" high
  • Mounts easily to wall


Mark CE, Screws and Plugs
Zamak Polished, Tritan Satin
Additional information
Mounting hardware supplied for wood stud installation


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Ponte Giulio F47ACS0 Liquid Soap Dispenser

Ponte Giulio F47ACS0 Liquid Soap Dispenser

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