Bird B Gone TBG-CASE Transparent Bird Gel (12 Tubes/Case) View larger

Bird B Gone

Bird B Gone TBG-CASE Transparent Bird Gel (12 Tubes/Case)


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This product must be ordered in quantity increments of 12

Details: Bird B Gone TBG-CASE Transparent Bird Gel (12 Tubes/Case)

Transparent bird gel is a sticky repellent used to prevent birds from landing on horizontal surfaces. Bird Gel is applied to areas where birds are landing; birds will not like the sticky sensation on their feet and will move on to a more comfortable spot. Transparent bird gel can be used on indoor or outdoor surfaces where birds are landing and lasts up to 6 months. Transparent Bird Gel should never be used on a vertical surface. Transparent Bird Gel is effective for small and large pest birds and should not be used around protected bird species. Recommended for us on ledges, I-beams, parapet walls, signs, conduits, pipes, and more. One tube covers 10'.


  • Creates a sticky surface that birds can't stand!
  • Economical & effective
  • Applies easily with a caulking gun
  • Virtually Invisible!
  • One tube covers 10' (120'/case)


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Bird B Gone TBG-CASE Transparent Bird Gel (12 Tubes/Case)

Bird B Gone TBG-CASE Transparent Bird Gel (12 Tubes/Case)

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